1. What refers to Handling?
Refers to a person who stores, packages(including dividing into smaller parts/packages and repackaged products), transports, imports or sells, etc. organic agricultural/fishery products, non-pesticide agricultural products, organic processed animal feed products, organic food products or organic agricultural materials(Article 2(8) of the 「Act on management and support on promoting environmental friendly farming, fisheries and organic foods」).
2. What is Handling Certification?
- The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs or the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries may certify eco-friendly agricultural/fishery product handlers in order to foster industries such as organic foods and to protect consumers (Article 19 of the 「Act on management and support on promoting environmental friendly farming, fisheries and organic foods」).
- As a result, eco-friendly agricultural/fishery products handlers can be certified in compliance with the certification standards required for the handling of eco-friendly agricultural/fishery products (According to Article 8(1-2) of 「Enforcement rule of the act on management and support on promoting environmental friendly farming, fisheries and organic foods」 and Article 8(1-2) of the 「Jurisdiction from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries on the Enforcement rule of the act on management and support on promoting environmental friendly farming, fisheries and organic foods」).
3. Object of Certification
The certified subject of the handler's certification is for the person/company who changes the packing unit or uses simple processes and packs the product (excluding certified products which is sold without packing and certified products which is purchased by the amount of desired quantity by the customer).